Spring 2023 | The State of AI and Architecture
The development of AI is as fundamental as the creation of the microprocessor, the personal computer, the Internet, and the mobile phone. It will change the way people work, learn, travel, get health care, and communicate with each other. Entire industries will reorient around it. Businesses will distinguish themselves by how well they use it.
-Bill Gates, “The Age of AI has Begun”
MESA AIRPORT - A BOLDRVIZ rendering developed in collaboration with AI.
Artificial intelligence (AI) integration will be revolutionary. AI’s ability to analyze large amounts of data and portray an opinion is impressive. For better or worse, AI’s impact will be akin to the Internet, the Personal Computer, and the Mobile Device.
As your partners on the digital frontier - we decided to dive deep through the lens of an architect exploring the current state of AI and a fictitious project we call Mesa Airport.
We should probably take a second to define what we mean by AI. Most people correlate AI with true AI Consciousness… But in reality, we have a long road to get there… For now, AI is like a kit of parts, consisting of tools to help process data and form opinions.
Through creating Mesa Airport, we used exciting new tools like Chat GPT, 3dsMax Chat GPT integration, Midjourney , and Leonardo AI to uncover current AI Strengths and weaknesses.
At BOLDRVIZ, we try to share seasonal updates. We generally look to design a fictitious building and explore new software.
However, this season, we had AI on our minds and decided to try something different. In this article, we outline our AI Journey through a series of steps, looking at how an Architect might leverage current AI technologies within the Architectural Design process. We conclude the article with closing thoughts on the Future of AI and Architecture.
Midjourney AI + Leonardo AI
Image Charrette
We started by exploring AI Image generation. New programs such as Midjourney AI and Leonardo AI can generate imagery from text prompts.
It is pretty crazy how realistic and beautiful some of these prompts are. Below were some of our favorite results when prompting things like “Futuristic Colorado Lush Campus, Mass Timber” and “Spring Colorado Landscape Airport with Runways”.

With this, we discovered our first AI strength: Rapid Idea Generation.
Step 2: Chat GPT Research
Selecting our favorite image, we strategized about how to make our favorite AI image more realistic.
We recognized the need to refine the airport architecture and asked Chat GPT for help.
Us: Hi Chat GPT! I'm an architect designing an airport. What design considerations should I keep in mind?
From this, we recognized our second AI Strength: Process Documentation. Through AI we understood the need to prioritize researching airport functionality and looked into Runway Standards.
Manually, we then used Miro to sketch and communicate details. From massing and articulation inspiration to Runway and Landscape references.
Step 3: Chat GPT 3dsMax Integration
The team then investigated current plugins allowing us to put Chat GPT inside of 3dsMax.
As a test, we asked Chat GPT to model the Note Dame Cathedral. While not currently impressive, Chat GPT 3dsMax integration has a lot of potentials, and we discovered our third AI strength: Nearly Instantaneous Algorithm and Custom Code Development.
Moving manually, our modeling team took a first pass at portraying the project via Sketchup and recognized the first AI Weakness: AI Image generators currently lie when it comes to scale.
In reality, Airport Runways are huge!
Step 4: Image Production + Chat GPT AI Blog Help
The team then refined the project in 3dsMax with little AI integration.
Upon completion of the rendering, I was curious if AI could write this article for me. While it was entertaining, I discovered another AI Weakness: Chat GPT Halucinates and pretends to know things even when they are wrong.
In the above snip you can see Chat GPT pretends to know what Midjourney is but is totally wrong.
Closing Thoughts
Exciting AI tools are available for Architects and Designers to use on projects. Chat GPT can help build processes, 3dsMax Chat GPT integration has a lot of potential for modeling context, and Midjourney + Leonardo AI can generate conceptual imagery at lightning speeds and begin a conversation.
While architects and designers will need to check AI tools for hallucinations the tools are likely to be corrected and present enormous opportunities.
We encourage all of our partners to create AI Task forces within their offices. From plugging AI into spreadsheets to building business plans AI has a ton of potential to create efficiencies in how we work.
In conclusion, as we work to embrace AI technologies, we remain steadfast in our belief that organizations will thrive by harnessing the power of our humanity and using it in collaboration with AI, paving the way for a future that is not only efficient and beautiful, but also filled with endless possibilities.